Only two days after joining the Bruce family, Speedy the goat earns his keep for life.
It’s a really good thing 10-year-old Abigail Bruce got her birthday present early this year - it ended up being a life-saver. The little girl from Poinsett County, Arkansas got a pet goat named Speedy as her gift and two nights later as they were sleeping, he jumped up on her legs and chest, bleating until she woke up.
When she opened her eyes, she says all she could see was smoke. Abigail ran to her parent’s room and her dad, Nick Bruce, realized flames were coming from the garage and smoke was filling the house through the windows.
Thankfully, the family was able to jump out of the bedroom window and escaped unharmed. Now Speedy has earned a special place in the family after saving them from the fire. "I didn't approve of him at first,” Bruce admitted. "But he’ll be here from now on.”
Source: WREG