Todd Matthews

Todd Matthews

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and...November is here!

In polite company we call them "social diseases," but this public service announcement comes out and says it point blank: VD! It does it in such a humorous way it's hard to be offended though:

Colorado four-year-old donates all the money from her piggy bank to help a local police officer get a life saving surgery.

When most kids save up their money, it’s to buy a new toy. But four-year-old Sidney Fahrenbruch has decided to donate her piggy bank savings to a good cause: a fundraiser for a police officer who has cancer.

This little girl from Colorado loves the police and says the choice to donate her money to Officer Kyle Zulauf with the Longmont Police Department was easy. “It’s the nice thing to do,” she explains. Zulauf has pancreatic cancer and the department is trying to raise enough for an additional surgery he needs.

Sidney has been close to the department since she called them earlier this year to come to her house to do a monster check, so she’s kind of returning a favor with the $9 in bills and bag of change she gave. The Longmont officers were happy with her choice to donate and the Department of Public Safety posted photos of Sidney’s good deed on Facebook, writing, “Words are not available for what this means to us.”

Source: Today's a fun game to play... Watch as Blake Shelton learns about a new game...Caramel Apple Russian Roulette! (It's safe, don't worry).  Watch the video from Jimmy Fallon to find out how it!

A two-year-old dancing machine, with an incredible dancing face.

The greatest weathermen/weatherwomen costumes from Halloween.

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