Look: Parkland Parents Take Fight Against Gun Violence into the Bathroom

Manuel and Patricia Oliver, the parents of Joaquin Oliver, who was killed in the 2018 Parkland mass shooting, are making a bold new statement in their ongoing fight against gun violence.

Their latest campaign through their nonprofit Change The Ref, Thoughts & Prayers TP (Toilet Paper), features copies of actual social media posts from pro-gun lobby politicians issued in the aftermath of mass shootings.

“For years, we’ve watched politicians offer ‘thoughts and prayers’ after every mass shooting, but they refuse to pass meaningful gun reform,” said Manuel Oliver. “So we’re giving people a way to show Congress exactly what they can do with those empty words.”

The Olivers have been outspoken advocates for gun reform since their son Joaquin “guac” Oliver was murdered along with 13 classmates and 3 teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

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